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Newbie helps
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» The guides to leadership

World maps
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» New World
» Outworld map in ASCII
» Outworld map in PNG

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The hall of fame
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» Total experience plaque
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» Current plaque

Convention photos
» CON 1997 1998 1999 2000
» Suokki 2002#1 2002#2 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
» CON 2002
» SWE-CON 2003
» Lowlands2004
» OopsCON 2005
» PulqCON 2006

Newbie Guide: ZombieCity Map

     _____                _     _       ___ _ _
    |__  / ___  _ __ ___ | |__ (_) ___ / __\_) |_ _   _
      / / / _ \| `_ ` _ \|  _ \| |/ _ \ |  | | __| | | |
     / /_| (_) | | | | | | |_) | |  __/ |__| | |_| |_| |
    /____|\___/|_| |_| |_|____/|_|\___|\___/_|\__|\__, |
                                                  |___/           // LiET

                  [2]                           [6]
  ############################### | #####################           N
  #                               |                     #           |
  # ---------------O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O #[A]     __| |__
  # |              |              | Fighters+    |    | #     W--__   __--E
  # |  Graveyard   |              |              |    | #          | |
  # |      Lim-Dul+O              OTransportShop+O----O #           |
  # |  Bakery      |    Hotel     |              |    | #           S
  # |     +        |    +         |              |    | #
  # |     O-------(*)---O----O----O----O----O----O----O #[B] [1] Marvin Gard.
  # |     "        |    +         |    +Weaponry |    | #    [2] Vatikan
  # | Great Temple | Adv.G.       |              |    | #    [3] Ventnor
  # |  Of All Gods O         Bank+O   Magic Shop+O----O #    [4] Vermont
  # |              |              |              |    | #    [5] Illinois
  # |--------------|--------------|              |    | #    [6] Broadwalk
  # |  Cleric      O+Rent      GE+O    Ring Shop+O----O #    [7] Tennessee
  # |      Guild   |              |              |    | #
  # |              |         +GS  |    +TS       |    | #    [A] Baltic
  --O----O----O----O----O----O---(0)---O----O----O----O--[C] [B] Oriental
  # |    |    |    +    |    +    |    +    |    +    | #    [C] Wallstreet
  # |    |    |  Arena  |  Post   |  Tinker | Mineral | #    [D] Kentucky
  # O----O----O---------O         O   Shop  O  Store  | #    [E] Pacific
  # |    |    |   RM    |         |         |         | #
  # |    |    |    +    |         |         |         | #     ( ) Central
  # O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O #[D]       Square
  # |    |    |         |    +AG  |         |         | #     (*) Portal
  # |    |    |         |         |         |         | #      +  Entrance
  # O----O----O  Osir's+O+HO      O         O         O #      "  'enter'
  # |    |    |  Pub    |         | Library | Theater | #
  # |    |    |         |         |    +    |    +    | #
  # O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O----O #[E]   RM Race Museum
  #                               |                     #      GE General
  ############################### | #####################          Store
        [1]            [3]       [4]       [5]       [7]       GS Gift Shop
                                                               TS Tobacco
                                                               AG Art Gallery
                                                               HO Hospital
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ZombieMUD - A free online RPG (role playing game)

© 1994-2012